Dean and Andrea Kladder | Co-Pastors

Dean and Andrea are the co-pastors of Healdsburg Community Church. They graduated from Princeton Theological Seminary in 2007 and have served churches in Montana and Illinois. Andrea was born in Oakland, CA raised in Tacoma, WA, and Dean was born and raised in Holland, MI. They’ve been pastoring Healdsburg Community Church since 2012.

Dean and Andrea are passionate about reaching out into the community and witnessing to Jesus in word and deed through everyday life experiences. They have a daughter, Eve, and two sons, Thijs (pronounced Tice), and Bram.


Susan Nelson | Administrative Assistant

Susan manages the church office and assists the Pastors as well as the members of the congregation. If you have any questions or would like more information about our church, don’t hesitate to give Susan a call in the church office.

Susan has three daughters: Joanna, Melody, and Caroline. Susan loves music and also serves as our church accompanist. In fact, her favorite relaxation activity and her favorite hobby are the same: playing the piano!

Hannah Vickery | Youth & Children’s Ministries

Hannah works with the co-pastors to develop meaningful faith formation for youth, children, and their families. She is passionate about walking alongside youth and children in their faith journeys and as they discover who Jesus is and their beloved identity in Christ. She is an advocate for empowering kids and teenagers to lean into their gifts and strengths as active participants in God’s loving action here on Earth.

Hannah graduated with a master’s degree in Youth Ministry from Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary in 2023, in partnership with the Center for Youth Ministry Training. She served as a youth volunteer in different capacities and as a youth director at a church in Atlanta before coming to HCC. She grew up in Nashville, Tennessee and has been named”Cool Aunt Hannah” by her niece and nephews.