Author: Jane

Vacation Bible School – “SonWest Round-Up”

Healdsburg, CA, May 28, 2013. . . Yee-Ha! SonWest Round-Up will be the theme of this summer’s Vacation Bible School at the Healdsburg Community Church, 1100 University Avenue. The week of June 24 through 28, from 8:45 am to 12 noon, kids will have a “rip-roarin’ good time!” says Pastor Dennis Tarr.

All children in the community are welcome to attend. Eligible ages are those entering kindergarten in the fall through those entering 6th grade.  Registrations are now being taken at the church office, 433-8886, and children can also be registered on the first day at the door. The program is free.

The church and grounds will be transformed into the Wild West, with areas equipped and decorated for different activities, such as games, crafts, Bible drama, and Bible stories.

The Vacation Bible School morning begins with large group singing, learning some sign language for the songs, and a short skit based on the daily scripture. Children are assigned to a team, such as Road Runners or Hoot Owls. After the all-group program, each team of children and their leaders are escorted to the different activity sites, so everyone gets to enjoy each type of activity every day.

A freshly made snack is served daily, and allergies will be accommodated. The morning ends in a large group with more singing and prayer for children all over the world. As they are able, the children are asked to bring a quarter ($.25) and a can of food each day. The quarters are added to a contribution from the church and go towards an animal in the gift program of World Vision. The cans are donated to the Healdsburg Food Pantry.

While the program is free, financial donations are much appreciated. Volunteers can help as Ranch Hands (guides for the children), Rodeo Helpers (Bible game leaders), Grubstake Helpers (kitchen crew), Rodeo Yodelers (song leaders), and more.

High school students who wish to volunteer for SonWest Round-Up are eligible for service-hour credit. All adults over age 18 need to be fingerprinted, and the church must receive their paperwork in advance from SCOE (Sonoma County Office of Education, 524-2600). There is childcare for younger siblings whose parent is a volunteer with the program.

Pastor Dennis Tarr is happy to answer parents’ questions at 433-8886, or

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Women’s Tea

Rena’s hat was imaginative and beautiful!

Sharon Tevandale, Pastor Roxanne, and Joanne Foote-Lynch were decked out in their spring finest for the Women’s Tea.

Foss Creek Clean-Up

All Community Baccalaureate Service

All graduating seniors from Healdsburg High School and the participating churches, their families, and friends are invited to a Baccalaureate Service on Sunday, May 19 at 7 pm at the Healdsburg Community Church, 1100 University Avenue.

Participating churches are: Healdsburg Community Church, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Calvary Chapel, Healdsburg Seventh-Day Adventist Church, Hope Chapel, and St. Paul’s Episcopal Church.

Clergy from each of the participating churches will contribute to the service, one of many programs organized and hosted by Healdsburg Shared Ministries. The meditation will be given by Pastor Clint Lutz of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church.

Chris Vanden Heuvel, Principal of Healdsburg High School, will deliver remarks to honor the graduating senior class, including acknowledging each graduate in attendance individually.

The three recipients of Healdsburg Shared Ministries scholarship awards will be announced.

Traditionally a Baccalaureate Service is held before Commencement to wish farewell to graduates before they embark on the next phase of their lives. It is an important acknowledgement of the spiritual contribution to the education of the whole person.

Catch the wave with Summer Sunday School

Summer Worship Workshop  – “Big Wave Discovery”

A totally cool way for Kindergarten through Fifth Graders to spend summer Sunday mornings. June 9 through September 1, kids are invited to come on in and catch the wave!

Adults wanting to “catch the wave” with our children by teaching one or more Sundays are invited to the “Big Splash” lunch and informational meeting on Sunday, April 21, after worship in the Christian Growth Center.

Volunteer for Son-West Round-Up!

SonWest Round-Up will be the theme of this summer’s Vacation Bible School at our church, June 24-28.

All Buckeroos (volunteers) are encouraged to lasso up their ponies and ride on over to the ranch (choir room) on April 10 at 6:30 pm to git the goods on the Big Round-Up!

We ain’t pullin’ no punches. If you like rustlin’ up vittles, or chasin’ chillins, or just plain havin’ a rip-roarin’ good time, you wanna volunteer for the Round-Up June 24-28.

We’ll see y’all on April 10, or give a holler to Pastor Roxanne at 433-8886.

Kathryn Prehoda speaking at Women’s Retreat, March 1 and 2

Kathryn Prehoda speaking at Women’s Retreat

“Not Done Yet”


Healdsburg, CA, February 15, 2013. . . The Healdsburg Community Church invites all women to its Annual Women’s Retreat, Friday evening March 1 and Saturday March 2 at 1100 University Avenue, Healdsburg. The theme is “Not Done Yet.”

Friday evening’s program will begin at 6:30 pm and run to 9:00 pm. Kathryn Prehoda’s keynote address will be followed by a dessert social.

Saturday morning a continental breakfast will be served at 8:30 am followed by another presentation by Prehoda as well as small group discussions. A buffet lunch will be served. In the afternoon there will be a time of worship and communion. The retreat will conclude at 3 pm.

Most of Kathryn Prehoda’s life has been spent working with high school and college students. Instead of the typical downsizing after the Prehodas’ daughters were grown up, Kathryn and Chuck moved into a larger home near Chico State University. They established Prehoda House as a faith-based place for students and families looking for a community-style housing opportunity.

“Young people have enthusiasm, and older people have experience. Chuck and I are just a bit farther down the road, so they can hear an experienced voice that may help them see new options. Our community is a safe place for this two-way exchange in a healthy, respectful and loving environment.”

Kathryn describes herself and Chuck as “sort of like grandparents” and the members of the community as a family. The students share dinner together with the Prehodas, invite their friends to dinner, assist each other with schoolwork, help with transportation if someone’s car quits or they need a ride home after a late evening class.

“An important lesson I’ve learned throughout my life with Christ and forty years of walking with college students, is that none of us, younger or older, is ‘done yet.’ We are all challenged to grow in our faith in every season of life.”

The retreat registration of $20 includes dessert on Friday night and the continental breakfast and lunch buffet on Saturday. A two-fer discount of $30 is offered for two registrations on the same form.

Childcare will be available upon request. Please contact Pastor Roxanne to make arrangements.

Registration by February 24 is requested for menu planning. Please call Roxanne Lemereis, 433-8886 or email