What: Physically Distanced – Outdoor Worship Gathering
When: 9:30am the last Sunday of each month starting July 26th, 2020
Who: You and up to 100 other participants (maximum limit under current health orders)
Where: Corner lot at the intersection of Monte Vista and University st.
Why: To gather safely to worship God and encourage one another in community.
Some other important pints:
- if you feel sick please don’t come
- please wear a mask
- please bring your own chair
- gather your household around a flag in the field to ensure physical distancing
- if you’d like to come and don’t feel comfortable being on the lawn you can stay in your car – park along either University or Monte Vista
- park in the parking lot if able to allow for others to park along Monte Vista and University
- children need to stay with families as we are unable to offer children’s programing or childcare under the current health order
- there won’t be fellowship time after the service – but each household will be able to pick up a package of homemade cookies to take home!
- worship will be capped at 100 gathered participants under the current health order. If you come after the capacity has been met you’ll be invited to worship online
- we won’t be passing any offering plates or handing out bulletins. Baskets will be available to drop your offering before or after the service.