Our Sunday worship service is at 9:30 am in the multi-purpose room and lasts about an hour. The music is mostly led by a band and one of the pastors will preach biblically-based sermon. Often, a choir sings. There will be a time for an offering to be received; as our guest, please do not feel obligated to give. People come dressed in a range of styles, from jeans and t-shirts to slacks and skirts. Dress however you feel comfortable.

We won’t ask you to stand or introduce yourself, though we hope we’ll have a chance to greet you after church over coffee. If you leave your name and information in the Pew Pads that are passed during service, one of the pastors will be in touch with you.

Have kids? Infants, toddlers and preschoolers are welcome in the Nursery, located on the west side of the building. It opens at 9:15 am. Older children can begin worship with their families and will be invited to Sunday School before the sermon begins. All kids can be picked up at the end of the worship service.

We hope to see you soon!